What are probiotics?
Probiotics are living microorganisms that produce health benefits for the person who consumes them when taken in adequate amounts.
Why take probiotics?
Probiotics have a positive effect on the organism by acting on the immune system, gastrointestinal, respiratory, etc. Not only can they support digestive health and strengthen the immune system, but they also help prevent decreased sports performance.
Can probiotics be taken continuously?
There’s no problem doing it. On the contrary, it is desirable because they produce long-term benefits. In fact, early references to probiotics relate increased longevity to daily intake of beneficial lactic acid bacteria.
How often can I take TOP4U probiotics?
TOP4U probiotics can be taken daily on a continuous basis. To know more specifically about each product, consult their case and leaflet.
When should TOP4U probiotics be taken?
In most cases, it is recommended to take TOP4U probiotics preferably in the morning or before exercise, except for TOP4U Recoup and TOP4U Mist products.
Are there any contraindications to TOP4U probiotics?
The labelling and leaflet of each product contains all the necessary information relating to its ingredients, method of use, recommended dose and whether it should be avoided by a specific group of the population, such as pregnant or lactating women or people with hypersensitivity to any of the components.
Can I consume TOP4U probiotics continuously?
Yes, TOP4U probiotics can be taken continuously, always taking into account the indications, dosage and recommended method of use contained in each of the products. Probiotics are most effective when taken long-term and daily supplementation is recommended.
How can TOP4U probiotics help me in my sports practice?
TOP4U products are combinations of nutrients and probiotics that support the specific needs of athletes. TOP4U offers products with different functionalities: antioxidant, respiratory, energizing, recovery, fitness, rehydrating, anti-inflammatory and digestive.
Why is it important that TOP4U probiotics are designed specifically for athletes?
TOP4U products have been developed with the specific needs of athletes in mind and are manufactured in segregated facilities for probiotics only.
Can different TOP4U products be taken at the same time?
Yes, you can take different TOP4U products at the same time. The quantity of Top4U products to consume will depend on their objectives and they do not present incompatibilities of use.
Are TOP4U probiotic microorganisms safe?
The probiotics contained in TOP4U products are lactobacilli and bifidobacteria that are listed as safe species both by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) on the QPS list and by the U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) with its GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) status.
Are TOP4U probiotics safe in terms of Anti-Doping?
The ingredients contained in TOP4U products are free from substances prohibited in sport by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).